
Summer Time All The Time Festival


The Mission

The team behind STATTFest sought out our team to push the limits of its new website. The design needed to be just as ambitious as their vision was for the second-ever STATTFest which would be held in September of 2021. The website needed to instill confidence for attendees while also extending the culture of STATTFest online, which would, in turn, fuel ticket sales.


Paid Media Management, UX/UI Design, Web Development



The Solution

One Groovy Design

Building a music festival website meant we got to turn up creativity to the max. Our team partnered with a local illustrator to create the scenery elements featured on the website. While the first thought would be to create one flat design, our team wanted to push the limits of what we could create by adding life to the scene which would be controlled entirely by the scrolling activity of the user. To accomplish this each piece was designed individually and then pieced together during the coding phase, the result is an interactive experience not typically seen on everyday sites.




WooCommerce Store

The STTATFest team wanted an easy-to-manage eCommerce solution for their festival merchandise. We used WooCommerce part of WordPress CMS which allowed flexibility in customizing product content with custom fields as well as creating categories that could be associated with event partners, all without writing a line of code for the shop managers.




Easy To Edit

We wanted to ensure the STATTFest team was empowered to make content changes on the site without a help of a developer. Our team ensured the website utilizes Adavnace Custom Fields Pro to easily allow their team to switch content year in and year out. The advantage to custom fields also meant that brand integrity would remain intact from a design standpoint ensuring the Summer’s most popular event always looked on there A game.

Music Festival Marketing

Three months prior to the event Mission Disrupt was hired to run STATTFest’s paid media campaign efforts. Our team devised a strategy to use Facebook/Instagram ads using creative made in collaboration with the STATTFest team. We built out custom audiences and leveraged existing audiences to create new models of audiences to target to drive ticket sales. In collaboration with Moverz Media Group we built seven ads that promoted the pineapple invasion event.