The new tagline for a new ambitious campaign showing how Nassau Financial’s potential members can be financially responsible just by choosing their no-fee, low-interest loan products over their corporate competitors. Our team worked to devise messaging across Personal, Home & Auto Loan products each with a unique message but inspiring potential customers that they can reach their life goals with Nassau Financial by their side. The challenge also included choosing channels where data-driven audience targeting could help the Credit Union better reach their audience while maximizing their budget.
Bank Smarter, Save More
Nassau Financial Federal Credit Union
The Mission
Nassau Financial Federal Credit Union has leveraged the Mission Disrupt digital expertise for over three years. Most recently we were tasked with coming up with a bold new creative strategy while also exploring new digital channels which could be used to drive growth for the Credit Union.
Google, Meta, Paid Media Management, Web Development
Lower CPM then Traditional TV Ads Using CTV
Increase In Leads YoY
New Marketing Channels Launched On
The Solution
Bank Smarter, Save More
Social Ads
Part of solving the challenge of reaching a wide audience from Gen-Z to Baby boomers was selecting a channel that could be inclusive to both groups. We leveraged the Facebook Ad Network because of i’s ability to deliver ads to both Facebook, a popular channel for Gen Y, Boomers and Instagram an ideal channel to reach Millennials and Gen-Zers. The campaigns focused on bringing Brand Awareness throughout the county with the goal of lowering CPM over traditional channels while offering greater targeting. Our team handled both the optimization and creative production of ads that reached hundreds of thousands of households.
In 2022 we launched an exciting campaign collaborating with influencers that created user-generated content promoting the HELOC & Auto Loan Product. We extended the life of this organic content by promoting it through the Tik Tok Ad network, the campaign represented an exciting way to reach Gen-Z audiences while also targeting older generations who have flocked to the new social media site.
Connected TV
Our team elected to test CTV ads in place of traditional cable ads. CTV ads allowed us to display non-skippable ads on streamable TV top apps like CBS, CNN, MTV, among other major channels. In addition, we leveraged the power of first-party data to target our exact customer profile using lookalike audiences while also leveraging data from partners like Axicom & Experian to provide greater targeting at the household level. That meant we didn’t reach generic audiences, rather those interested only in the products Nassau Financial offered. Above all, unlike traditional TV, we could track conversions, seeing how many people completed application forms for products.
Pandora Advertising + Local Steaming Ads
The power of streaming radio services like Pandora presented the opportunity for us a data-driven targetted approach to Nassau Financial’s Radio effort. Our team built out two 30 second Pandora Ads to target those interested in applying for mortgages. The ad also featured display units in-app that showed when the ads played. The advantage of digital radio was that we were able to track conversions on top of tracking the exact number of people our ads were shown to (rather than guesses).
Local Bus + Media Ads
Not all advertising channels should be digital; when we devised our media plan, we also took the opportunity to broaden our net by getting 21 buses to feature our Bank Smarter, Save More campaign message. The official Nassau County bus routes ran seven days a week and provided excellent visibility for our witty messaging. Nassau Financial also partnered with Newsday to be part of the Homeshopper circular, a local circular that went to hundreds of thousands of households and featured the campaign on the front page.